Wong Leng San

Trainee Lawyer

Wong Leng San has experience in drafting and reviewing contracts, incorporation of companies, and assisting with litigation in Macau.

Emilia Lo

Trainee Lawyer

Emilia Lo has been working as a trainee lawyer with the Macau law firm since 2021, focusing on matters related to corporate and civil law.

Miguel Su

Trainee Lawyer

Miguel joined the Macau law firm in October 2017 focusing his studies on Family Law and Succession as well as Commercial law.

Chao Lap Tac

Affiliated Counsel

David Gomes *

Affiliated Counsel

David Gomes is an independent lawyer and private notary with more than 25 years of experience of law practice in the Macau jurisdiction.

Esteves Wong


Esteves joined the firm in 2016 after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Law at the Lisbon Catholic University of Portugal.

António Coelho


António Coelho joined the Macau law firm in 2018 and focuses his practice in the fields of Corporate, Intellectual Property, and Data Protection Law.

André Marques

Senior Associate

André Marques joined the Macau law firm in 2017 and has been since then focused mainly in the areas of tax, banking and finance, corporate and real estate.

António Zhang

Senior Associate

António Zhang is a registered Lawyer with the Macau Lawyer’s Association providing legal advice on several Macau affairs.

Tiago Assunção joined the Macau law firm in 2014 and has been since then active in several practice areas, focusing on corporate, banking, and finance-